Kerala – Defence Innovation Zone (K-DIZ), a pioneering initiative under Kerala IT (jointly undertaken by KSUM & Technopark)
MoU exchanges at Kerala – Defence Innovation Zone (K-DIZ) launch, an initiative under Kerala IT (jointly undertaken by KSUM & Technopark).
Dignitaries on stage at the MoU exchange.
MoU agreement - Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd), CEO Technopark, and Mr. Anoop Ambika, CEO, KSUM.
Gp Capt Rohit Kaura (Retd), Program Director, IDEX, DIO, and Mr. Anoop Ambika at the MoU Exchange.
Dignitaries at the MoU signing that will synergise stakeholders for innovations and disruptive ideas from state-grown smaller enterprises for our armed forces.
MoU agreement - Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd), CEO Technopark, and Mr. Anoop Ambika, CEO, KSUM.